2023 Boys Junior Varsity B Soccer 2023 Boys Junior Varsity B Soccer 2023 Boys Junior Varsity B Soccer 2023 Boys Junior Varsity B Soccer

LFA Schedules

For full athletics website: lfacaxys.org

Boys JVB Soccer

Staff Bios.

Isaias Cairampoma

Head Coach

Boys JVB Soccer

Isaias Cairampoma was born and raised in Peru and is in his 18th year in education, including his second year at Lake Forest Academy. Before LFA, he taught at Beacon Academy in Evanston, Sacred Heart Schools in Chicago, Chiaravalle Montessori School in Evanston, Instituto Cervantes of Chicago, and Language Stars. He holds a bachelor's degree in Spanish from Northeastern Illinois University and has earned a master's degree from Northeastern Illinois University in Arts in Latin-American Literature and Culture. In addition to teaching Spanish I and Spanish II, Isaias is also coaching boys and girls soccer and is a dorm parent in Atlass Hall, where he lives with his family.
