2023 Girls Junior Varsity Tennis 2023 Girls Junior Varsity Tennis 2023 Girls Junior Varsity Tennis 2023 Girls Junior Varsity Tennis

LFA Schedules

For full athletics website: lfacaxys.org

Girls Junior Varsity Tennis


Sam Wold.

Head Coach


Sam Wold is a member of the History and Social Sciences department and has been working at Lake Forest Academy since 2012. He received a bachelor’s degree in history from Carleton College and his Master of Education from Hamline University. Prior to LFA, Sam spent three years teaching IB History and IB Economics at Escola Americana do Rio de Janeiro in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; six years teaching AP World History at Northfield High School in Northfield, Minnesota; and three years teaching in the Minneapolis Public Schools.

Sam created an Ultimate Frisbee PE course at LFA, has coached soccer at LFA, and he now coaches the girls and boys tennis teams. He teaches AP World History and several Human Rights electives, served as a representative on the Faculty Advisory Council (FAC), is the faculty advisor for the Amnesty International club and History Bowl, and he has taught in the Global Concentration Program. He spent 5 years working with the Global Youth Leadership Institute (GYLI), and acted as class advisor for the classes of 2015 and 2020. Sam co-chaired the 2014-15 Head of School Symposium focused on Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos and he has led student trips to the Navajo Nation, Cuba, China, Egypt, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, Cambodia, Laos, Rome and Greece, Ghana, Central Europe, and Peru. Sam lives on campus and spends a lot of time in Chicago.

Sally Stephenson.

Assistant Coach

